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Get Involved

MSU provides a number of opportunities for faculty, staff and students to get involved in efforts to cultivate a safe and inclusive campus community. These include committee work, employment opportunities, volunteer opportunities, student organizations and community organizations. Committee, employment and volunteer opportunities help develop practical, professional skills while providing essential services to people in need and reducing violence in the campus community. For student volunteers and interns, these experiences can help shape career interests and increase marketability after graduation.

Know More Campaign 

Survey Results

Know More Campaign LogoThe Know More campaign is Michgan State's commitment to raise awareness on:

  • how to help prevent relationship violence, stalking and sexual misconduct (“RVSM”);
  • how to help support those who are affected by RVSM; and
  • where students, faculty and staff can go for resources, support services and to report RVSM.

Together, with the Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Expert Advisory Workgroup, the Title IX office has created an RVSM resource poster. While this poster is not intended to be a comprehensive representation of all resources available to the MSU community, it is a starting point to raise the awareness of students, faculty and staff about the RVSM resources available on and around campus.

If you would like a copy, you can download the Know More resource poster, or call the Office for Civil Rights & Title IX at (517) 355-3960 to request a printed version.

Student, Faculty and Staff Involvement

  • Student involvement ideas
    • Familiarize yourself with the Know More resource poster, which shares on- and off-campus resources that can assist with relationship violence, stalking and sexual misconduct issues
    • Participate in events connected to the MSU’s It’s On Us Week of Action 
    • Follow us on Facebook @ItsOnUsMSU
    • Check out volunteer and employment opportunities for campus service providers
    • Get student organizations or clubs you are involved with active on this issue by hosting speakers and attending It’s On Us events
    • Consider serving on a campus committee
  • Faculty and staff involvement ideas
    • Include information about resources and reporting on your syllabus
    • Familiarize yourself with the Know More resource poster, which shares on- and off-campus resources that can assist with relationship violence, stalking and sexual misconduct issues
    • Post the Know More resource poster in your office 
    • Participate in events connected to the MSU’s It’s On Us Week of Action 
    • Follow us on Facebook @ItsOnUsMSU
    • Publicize It’s On Us events and offer extra credit to students who attend
    • Consider service on a committee
    • Check out volunteer and support opportunities for campus service providers
    • Familiarize yourself with your reporting responsibilities and best practices to support students

Campus Committees

  • Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Expert Advisory Workgroup
    The Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Expert Advisory Workgroup will advise the president on policies and programs related to relationship violence and sexual misconduct, ensuring that decisions moving forward are based on best practice evidence and in line with MSU's mission of creating and sustaining a safe and supportive campus for all. The workgroup will work closely with other organizations, committees, and units on campus to ensure that diverse viewpoints are brought into any and all decision-making, and will carefully consider the voices of students, faculty, staff and alumni.
  • Violence-Free Communities

    The Violence Free Communities (VFC) is made up of representatives from campus units engaged in efforts to support a campus culture free of relationship violence and sexual misconduct. The committee hosts one open meeting per year inviting members of the campus community. VFC coordinates with the Sexual Violence Advisory Committee to obtain input and feedback from the campus community relating to the campus climate. For more information on the mission of the committee, download its statement of purpose and goals.

  • POE Student Voices for Prevention Initiatives Advisory Council
    Anushree Ravi Student Health Advisory Council
    Connor Wynne IFC
    Drue Bender SLE & NAACP
    Josie Danielkiewicz Women's Council
    Julia Doherty RHA
    Kathryn Harding ASMSU
    Kaylee Ross Panhellenic Council
    Prerna Chahal Spartan Association for Public Health
    Sarah Downing POE Peer Educator
    Taylor Sutton TransAction

    About SVPI 

    As you may be aware, the Prevention, Outreach and Education (POE) department provides university-wide workshops such as the Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence (SARV) prevention program for first year students, the Bystander Network program for second year students and other specialized prevention programming for upper-class students, community specific and on demand workshops and trainings. The department has kicked off a new student initiative this year called POE Student Voices for Prevention Initiatives. This is a standing student advisory group to POE.

    1. What is the POE Student Voice for Prevention Initiatives?
      1. A group of students engaged in building a violence free MSU through culturally informed prevention strategies and initiatives.
    2. What is the group’s charge?
      1. Share student perspective on enhancing gender-based violence prevention programming and education at MSU
      2. Review and submit recommendations regarding current processes and gaps
    3. What's in it for the students?
      1. Networking and Mentorship
      2. Leadership development opportunities
      3. Leave a long-lasting positive impact at MSU
      4. Contribute to positive social change
    4. Who should folx contact for more info?
      1. Matea Čaluk, Assistant Director for POE (

Employment Opportunities

  • Prevention, Outreach & Education Peer Educators

    The Prevention, Outreach, and Education (POE) Department employs undergraduate students who are passionate about preventing relationship violence and sexual misconduct as peer educators. Peer educators have a variety of opportunities to get involved in the following programs:

    • Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence Prevention (SARV) Workshops 
    • Bystander Network Workshops
    • Greeks Take the Lead
    • Spartans Against Violence (Student-Athletes Program)
    • It's On Us Week of Action
    • Other trainings/events hosted by POE 

    Peer educators are required to attend 32 hours of training and facilitate a minimum of 5 workshops per semester. This is a paid position. For more information, please visit the Prevention, Outreach and Education Department

Volunteer Opportunities

  • MSU Safe Place

    MSU Safe Place is a program that addresses relationship violence and stalking. MSU Safe Place undergraduate or graduate interns or volunteers may gain experience in the following areas:

    • Advocacy/Crisis Intervention- Complete shelter intakes and provide transportation to appointments for shelter residents and non-residents. Work with advocacy staff to help survivors address educational, employment, financial, housing, emotional, legal and medical needs.
    • Children's Programming- Assist with childcare during the support group for adult survivors. Some experience with children is strongly recommended.
    • Community Education- Assist with planning or staffing events to help campus and greater Lansing community members learn more about relationship violence and stalking dynamics and resources.
    • General Shelter Operations- All staff, interns, and volunteers assist with administrative tasks, picking up donations and helping with special events. 

    For more information, visit the MSU Safe Place website

  • Sexual Assault Crisis Intervention (SACI) advocate

    MSU students, alumni, and faculty and staff are eligible to volunteer with the Sexual Assault Crisis Intervention (SACI) team. Advocates must complete a minimum of 40 hours of training before providing crisis intervention services. SACI volunteers staff both the crisis line and the crisis chat. 

    For more information, visit the Center for Survivors website.

Community Organizations

  • Capital Area Response Effort (CARE)

    Capital Area Response Effort (CARE) is a domestic violence post-arrest response team for victims/survivors of domestic violence in the Greater Lansing, East Lansing, and MSU communities. Volunteers and interns with CARE go out on calls to support survivors, follow up with survivors on the phone, and provide survivors with court support.  

    2500 S. Washington Ave Lansing, MI
    (517) 272-7436

  • End Violent Encounters (EVE)

    End Violent Encounters (EVE) is a non-profit located in Lansing that provides services to survivors of domestic and sexual violence, stalking and elder abuse. Volunteers support EVE with their advocacy services, children's programs, community education, legal advoacy, emergency shelter, and administrative support. 

    (517) 372-5976

  • Women's Center of Greater Lansing

    The Women's Center of Greater Lansing is committed to providing valuable, innovative resources and services in an atmosphere that fosters mutual support, insight, and growth for women of all backgrounds as they strive to realize their unique potential. Volunteers help with many tasks such as: writing grant applications, being a femtor/mentor for selected clients, speaking to one of the support groups, doing yard work as needed, cleaning, etc. 

    1710-1712 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing
    (517) 372-9163