The Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance (OCR), established as an independent unit in 2018, encompasses the following areas: (1) Prevention, Outreach, and Education Department (POE), (2) Investigation, Support and Resolution (ISR), (3) Office of the ADA Coordinator, (4) Resolution Office (RO); (5) Equity Review Officer (ERO); and (6) Office of Support and Equity. Collectively, our purpose is to lead the university’s prevention and response to relationship violence, sexual misconduct, stalking, discrimination, and harassment based on age, color, gender, gender identity, disability status, height, marital status, national origin, political persuasion, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, and weight, ensuring equal access to employment and the University’s programs, services, and activities.
Through its own educational efforts and in collaboration with many campus community partners, OCR seeks to recognize and work to redress systemic inequities in policies and programs that serve as barriers to equal opportunity. Additionally, OCR seeks to advance inclusivity, equity, and positive culture changes that are grounded in the values of safety; well-being; mutual respect; dignity; responsibility; and clear and timely communication. This commitment includes engaging the campus community to support antidiscrimination efforts.
As a unit we must hold each other responsible for critically examining our own efforts to contribute to a safe, inclusive, and equitable campus community.
Vice President & Title IX Coordinator
Laura Rugless, JD
Office: 517.353.3922
Interim Senior Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Rob Kent
Office: 517.353.3922
Title IX Coordinator
Laura Rugless, JD currently serves as the University’s Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for the university’s efforts to comply with and carry out its responsibilities under Title IX, which include oversight and implementation of the university’s Title IX policies and grievance procedures, monitoring the campus climate, and coordination of efforts across campus related to education, prevention, and training programs.
MSU's statement on 2024 federal Title IX regulations:
2023 OCR Strategic Annual Operating Report (pdf)
2023 OCR Strategic Annual Operating Report (Accessible pdf format)
This Strategic Annual Operating Plan outlines five key objectives that OCR is undertaking in the 2023-2024 academic year to further OCR’s commitment to redress systemic inequities and advance positive culture changes within MSU. This plan is in addition to and aligns with the MSU 2030 Strategic Plan, the Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Strategic Plan, and the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Steering Committee Plan.