Michigan State University Anti-Discrimination Policy: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 


What is the Anti-Discrimination Policy? 

The Anti-Discrimination Policy at Michigan State University prohibits discrimination or harassment based on age, race, color, gender (including gender identity and expression), genetic information, disability status, ethnicity, marital status, national origin, political persuasion, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation), military or veteran status, height, or weight. The policy is part of the University's mission to ensure that all community members are treated with dignity and respect by creating an environment free from discrimination and harassment.  

Who is protected under this policy? 

This policy protects all members of the university community, including students, faculty, staff, and visitors. It covers actions taken by university employees, students, contractors, and others involved in university activities, in these settings: 

  1. All activities on campus, including employment, classes, events, and social activities; 
  2. University-sponsored events off-campus, like sports, lifelong education programs, and other regular activities; 
  3. University housing; and 
  4. Programs and activities run by student governments and registered student organizations. 

What constitutes discrimination under this policy? 

The Anti-Discrimination Policy prohibits: 

  1. Discrimination against any University community member(s) through inappropriate limitation of employment opportunity, access to University residential facilities, or participation in education, athletic, social, cultural, or other University activities on the basis of age, color, gender (including gender identity and gender expression), genetic information, disability status, ethnicity, height, marital status, national origin, political persuasion, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation), military or veteran status, or weight;  
  2. Harassment of any University community member(s) on the basis of age, color, gender, (including gender identity, gender expression), genetic information, disability status, ethnicity, height, marital status, national origin, political persuasion, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation), military or veteran status, or weight.  

The university's Anti-Discrimination Policy User’s Manual provides further guidance on what conduct is prohibited and how MSU applies this policy. 

How can I report a discrimination incident? 

If you experience or witness discrimination, you can report the incident in the following ways: 

  • In Person: Visit the Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance’s (OCR) Investigation, Support and Resolution department (ISR) in Olds Hall Rm. 5 (408 W. Circle Dr., East Lansing, MI 48824).
  • Phone: Call ISR at 517-353-3922. 

 All reports are treated privately to the extent possible and will be reviewed promptly. 

What happens after I file a report? 

Once a complaint is filed, OCR’s Investigation, Support and Resolution department (ISR) reviews them for potential policy violation(s) and provides outreach to the impacted person(s). If there are immediate safety concerns or additional reporting obligations, OCR coordinates with appropriate campus partners to address them. ISR will also offer supportive measures such as no-contact orders, deadline extensions, housing changes, and work schedule adjustments. Supportive measures are available even if the impacted person(s) does not wish to participate in an investigation. 

ISR will inform impacted parties of their options so they can decide how they want to proceed. If they choose to participate in an investigation, an investigator will be assigned to their case. The investigator will meet with both the claimant and the respondent, and interview witnesses, as necessary. The investigation typically takes up to 90 days. Once an investigation is complete, both the claimant and the respondent have the right to appeal the decision within 10 days. After the appeal is reviewed, the parties will be notified of the outcome. If no appeal is filed, the decision is final. 

If an employee is found to have violated the policy, HR and the supervisor will determine the appropriate discipline. If a student is found to have violated the policy, the Office of Student Support and Accountability will assign a sanction.  

For additional information on this process please see this infographic: 


What are the potential consequences for violating the Anti-Discrimination Policy? 

Consequences for violating the policy can range from probation, mandatory training or counseling to more severe disciplinary actions such as suspension, termination of employment, or dismissal from the university. The specific consequences will depend on the nature and severity of the violation. 

How does the university support individuals who experience discrimination, harassment, or retaliation? 

The university offers various support services, including: 

  • Counseling and Mental Health Services 
  • Advisors: Staff members who can assist with navigating the reporting process and accessing resources. 
  • Supportive and interim measures including, but not limited to:  
    • Academic assistance (e.g. discrete professor notification regarding absences, schedule changes, coordinating extensions, withdrawal assistance, etc.)  
    • Alternative housing placement  
    • Alternative work schedules/locations (if available)  
    • Referrals to on- and off-campus support resources 
Can I report discrimination or harassment anonymously? 

Yes, you can file an anonymous report. However, please note that anonymity may limit the university’s ability to fully investigate the complaint and take action. The ability to report anonymously does not guarantee any individual's ability to remain anonymous during the investigative process.  

What if I fear retaliation for reporting discrimination or harassment? 

The university strictly prohibits retaliation against anyone who reports discrimination and harassment or participates in an investigation in any manner. If you believe you are experiencing retaliation, report it immediately to the Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance’s Investigation, Support and Resolution department. Retaliation is a separate violation of the Anti-Discrimination Policy and will be addressed accordingly.

Where can I find more information about the Anti-Discrimination Policy? 

You can find the full text of the Anti-Discrimination Policy on MSU’s civil rights website and in the university’s policy library. If you have additional questions regarding the policy, please email ocr.isr@msu.edu