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Mandatory reporting

Responsible employees, including undergraduate and graduate employees, and volunteers are required to report when a community member discloses that they experienced prohibited conduct under the Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policy. 

MSU recognizes the complexities associated with fulfilling your mandatory reporting obligations as an employee while offering support and maintaining the relationship you have built with the student or employee. To that end, MSU has created the Mandatory Reporting for Relationship Violence, Sexual Misconduct and Stalking policy to provide employees with information about the mandatory reporting process, including what happens when a report is made, as well as tips for responding and supporting students and employees.

Unless otherwise exempt, all university employees and volunteers are obligated to promptly report to OCR information about incidents or conduct that may be prohibited by the RVSM and Title IX Policy that:  

  1. They observe or learn about in their working or professional capacity; and  
  2. Occurred at a University-sponsored event or on University property or involves a University community member with respect to conduct that may have occurred while they were a University community member. 

If you have any questions about your mandatory reporting obligations, please reach out to OCR by calling (517) 353-3922 or emailing

Mandatory Reporting for Relationship Violence, Sexual Misconduct and Stalking policy

Mandatory Reporting FAQs

Mandatory Reporting Failure Investigation Procedures

University Reporting Protocol: Child Abuse and Other Harm to Children