Michigan State University Language Access Plan
Michigan State University (MSU) is committed to a diverse and inclusive campus where all individuals feel valued through the University’s educational programs, activities, and services. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits recipients of federal financial assistance from discriminating based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin by, among other things, failing to provide meaningful access to educational programs, activities and services for individuals with Limited English Proficiency (LEP). MSU prohibits discrimination on the basis of national origin (including limited English proficiency) in the Anti-Discrimination Policy. A person with LEP is an individual who does not speak English as their primary language and/or has limited ability to read, speak, write or understand English. The University has taken reasonable steps in this Plan to provide meaningful access and ensure that individuals with LEP will be able to communicate, either through written or oral language services, with members of our staff.
In accord with Title VI and Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, individuals with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) needing interpretation services to access the services provided by MSU Health Care should request interpretation services when scheduling an appointment for health care.
Other individuals with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) in need of assistance in order to access the University’s educational programs, activities and services, are invited to contact the Title VI Coordinator (below) to identify available resources related to language assistance.
Note: English language proficiency may be required as a bona fide qualification for acceptance in a University program or employment
Identifying Individuals Who Need Language Assistance
MSU is a broad and diverse community that includes faculty, staff and students who speak multiple languages. Individuals in need of language assistance to access the University’s educational programs, activities, and services will be referred to the appropriate resources on campus for further language assistance, as detailed in this Plan. Additional external resources to identify language needs can be accessed and are available via the U.S. government LEP webpage.
Available Resources for Language Assistance
Upon receiving a request for language assistance, the Title VI Coordinator will engage in an interactive process. Virtual, on-demand interpretation services will be available during any meeting with the Title VI Coordinator. The purpose of this process will be to understand the needs of the individual with LEP and based on the circumstances, to identify any available resources and reasonable assistance measures. Some available resources include:
Language Line (On Demand, Virtual Interpretation Services)
Services provided during meetings with the Title VI Coordinator.
MSU Translation Center
Services include: Translation of digital or print materials, Virtual or in-person interpretation, Transcript translation, Specialized Language for Special Purposes (LSP) courses, Oral Proficiency Interviews (OPI) training and testing for educators, Industry specific proficiency training and testing, Simulated patient recruiter and provider, Visa assistance, and Localization. The University will cover the cost of translation for documents to the extent it is considered reasonable to provide meaningful access to the University’s education and programs. The individual with LEP will need to contact the Title VI Coordinator before requesting translation if they would like to have the costs covered.
Effective Communication for People with Disabilities
The University’s Disability and Reasonable Accommodation Policy is based on Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended by the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, and other applicable laws and regulations. The Disability & Reasonable Accommodation Policy prohibits discrimination and harassment against a qualified individual with a disability and contains the University’s commitment to providing effective communication for persons with disabilities, including but not limited to those relying on American Sign Language to communicate. This may include people who have a vision, hearing, or speech disabilities (communication disabilities) or other disabilities.
To the extent possible, if other University programs, colleges or units have an individualized language access plan, the Title VI Coordinator may refer that individual to that program’s plan for additional assistance (e.g., MSU Extension Language Access Plan).
Identifying Need for Individualized Plans within Programs
The Title VI Coordinator along with the Language Access Workgroup will work to identify and assess additional need for language access for LEP communities and will work with the programs, colleges or units to create an individualized plan.
Distribution of Plan and Training
The University will provide notice to its employees of the language access resources set forth in this Plan. Such notice will be communicated regularly to employees and will be prominently posted on MSU’s Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance website.
Providing Notice to LEP Persons
The University will prominently post this Plan for individuals with LEP on multiple publicly available University webpages.
Physical signs may also be placed in locations where members of the public regularly interact, in languages that individuals with LEP may understand.
An individual with LEP seeking to file a complaint of discrimination with the University based on national origin or other protected status should file a report with the Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance or the Title VI Coordinator.
External resources:
Information about filing a complaint externally can be found at:
Monitoring, Evaluating, and Updating the Plan
The University will monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the Plan on a regular basis. This process may include updating the Plan for new LEP populations or when a new resource to provide language services becomes available. Any update to the Plan will be posted in a timely manner on the University’s publicly available website.
Effective Date: November 27, 2023
Acceso lingüístico (Spanish)
Se invita a otras personas con dominio limitado del inglés (LEP, por sus siglas en inglés) que necesiten asistencia para acceder a los programas, actividades y servicios educativos de la Universidad a que se comuniquen con el Coordinador del Título VI (a continuación) para identificar los recursos disponibles relacionados con la asistencia lingüística.
Coordinador del Título VIOficina de Derechos Civiles y Educación y Cumplimiento del Título IXocr@msu.edu(517) 353-3922Nota: Es posible que se requiera el dominio del idioma inglés como una calificación de buena fe para ser aceptado en un programa o empleo universitario
語言訪問 (Chinese - Traditional)
邀請其他英語水準有限 (LEP) 的個人需要説明才能獲得大學的教育計劃、活動和服務,請聯繫 Title VI 協調員(如下),以確定與語言説明相關的可用資源。
第六章協調員民權和第九條教育與合規辦公室ocr@msu.edu(517) 353-3922注意:英語語言能力可能需要作為大學課程或就業錄取的真正資格
语言访问 (Chinese - Simplified)
邀请其他英语水平有限 (LEP) 的个人需要帮助才能获得大学的教育计划、活动和服务,请联系 Title VI 协调员(如下),以确定与语言帮助相关的可用资源。
第六章协调员民权和第九条教育与合规办公室ocr@msu.edu(517) 353-3922注意:英语语言能力可能需要作为大学课程或就业录取的真正资格
Truy cập ngôn ngữ (Vietnamese)
Các cá nhân khác có Trình độ Anh ngữ Hạn chế (LEP) cần hỗ trợ để tiếp cận các chương trình, hoạt động và dịch vụ giáo dục của Trường, được mời liên hệ với Điều phối viên Tiêu đề VI (bên dưới) để xác định các nguồn lực sẵn có liên quan đến hỗ trợ ngôn ngữ.
Điều phối viên Tiêu đề VIVăn phòng Dân quyền và Giáo dục và Tuân thủ Tiêu đề IXocr@msu.edu(517) 353-3922Lưu ý: Trình độ tiếng Anh có thể được yêu cầu như một bằng cấp thực sự để được chấp nhận trong một chương trình Đại học hoặc việc làm
언어 접근 (Korean)
대학의 교육 프로그램, 활동 및 서비스를 이용하기 위해 도움이 필요한 제한된 영어 능력(LEP)을 가진 기타 개인은 Title VI 코디네이터(아래)에게 연락하여 언어 지원과 관련하여 사용 가능한 리소스를 확인할 수 있습니다.
타이틀 VI 코디네이터Office for Civil Rights and Title IX 교육 및 규정 준수ocr@msu.edu(517) 353-3922참고: 영어 능력은 대학 프로그램 또는 취업을 위한 진정한 자격으로 요구될 수 있습니다
Pag-access sa Wika (Filipino)
Ang iba pang mga indibidwal na may Limited English Proficiency (LEP) na nangangailangan ng tulong upang ma access ang mga programa, aktibidad at serbisyo sa edukasyon ng Unibersidad, ay inaanyayahan na makipag ugnay sa Title VI Coordinator (sa ibaba) upang matukoy ang mga magagamit na mapagkukunan na may kaugnayan sa tulong sa wika.
Coordinator ng Titulo VIOpisina para sa Karapatang Sibil at Titulo IX Edukasyon at Pagsunodocr@msu.edu(517) 353-3922Tandaan: Maaaring kailanganin ang kahusayan sa wikang Ingles bilang bona fide qualification para sa pagtanggap sa isang programa o trabaho sa Unibersidad
Доступ к языку (Russian)
Другим лицам с ограниченным знанием английского языка (LEP), нуждающимся в помощи для доступа к образовательным программам, мероприятиям и услугам Университета, предлагается связаться с координатором Title VI (см. ниже) для определения доступных ресурсов, связанных с языковой помощью.
Координатор по Разделу VIУправление по гражданским правам и Раздел IX Образование и соблюдение требованийocr@msu.edu(517) 353-3922Примечание: Знание английского языка может потребоваться в качестве добросовестной квалификации для поступления в университет или трудоустройства
الوصول إلى اللغة (Arabic)
الأفراد الآخرون ذوو الكفاءة المحدودة في اللغة الإنجليزية (LEP) الذين يحتاجون إلى المساعدة من أجل الوصول إلى البرامج والأنشطة والخدمات التعليمية بالجامعة ، مدعوون للاتصال بمنسق العنوان السادس (أدناه) لتحديد الموارد المتاحة المتعلقة بالمساعدة اللغوية.
منسق الباب السادسمكتب الحقوق المدنية والتعليم والامتثال من الباب التاسعocr@msu.edu(517) 353-3922ملاحظة: قد تكون إجادة اللغة الإنجليزية مطلوبة كمؤهل حسن النية للقبول في برنامج جامعي أو توظيف
Accès à la langue (French)
Les autres personnes ayant une maîtrise limitée de l’anglais (LEP) qui ont besoin d’aide pour accéder aux programmes, activités et services éducatifs de l’Université sont invitées à contacter le coordonnateur du titre VI (ci-dessous) pour identifier les ressources disponibles liées à l’assistance linguistique.
Coordinateur Titre VIBureau des droits civils et du titre IX de l’éducation et de la conformitéocr@msu.edu(517) 353-3922Remarque : La maîtrise de l’anglais peut être exigée comme qualification de bonne foi pour l’acceptation dans un programme universitaire ou un emploi
Acesso ao idioma (Portuguese)
Outros indivíduos com Proficiência Limitada em Inglês (LEP) que necessitem de assistência para aceder aos programas, atividades e serviços educativos da Universidade, são convidados a contactar o Coordenador do Título VI (abaixo) para identificar os recursos disponíveis relacionados com a assistência linguística.
Título VI CoordenadorGabinete dos Direitos Civis e Título IX Educação e Conformidadeocr@msu.edu(517) 353-3922Nota: A proficiência na língua inglesa pode ser exigida como uma qualificação de boa-fé para aceitação em um programa ou emprego universitário
Aksè lang (Haitian Creole)
Lòt moun ki gen Konpetans Limited English Proficiency (LEP) bezwen asistans pou yo ka jwenn aksè nan pwogram edikasyon inivèsite a, aktivite ak sèvis yo, yo envite yo kontakte Koòdonatè VI (anba a) pou idantifye resous ki disponib ki gen rapò ak asistans langaj.
VI KoòdonatèBiwo pou Dwa Sivil ak IX Edikasyon ak Konfòmiteocr@msu.edu(517) 353-3922Remak: Konpetans lang Angle ka obligatwa kòm yon kalifikasyon bona fide pou akseptasyon nan yon pwogram Inivèsite oswa travay
Dostęp językowy (Polish)
Inne osoby z ograniczoną znajomością języka angielskiego (LEP), które potrzebują pomocy w celu uzyskania dostępu do programów edukacyjnych, działań i usług Uniwersytetu, proszone są o kontakt z Koordynatorem Tytułu VI (poniżej) w celu zidentyfikowania dostępnych zasobów związanych z pomocą językową.
Tytuł VI KoordynatorBiuro Praw Obywatelskich i Tytuł IX Edukacja i Zgodnośćocr@msu.edu(517) 353-3922Uwaga: Znajomość języka angielskiego może być wymagana jako kwalifikacja w dobrej wierze do przyjęcia na studia uniwersyteckie lub zatrudnienia
Accesso linguistico (Italian)
Altre persone con Conoscenza Limitata della Lingua Inglese (LEP) che necessitano di assistenza per accedere ai programmi, alle attività e ai servizi educativi dell'Ateneo, sono invitate a contattare il Coordinatore del Titolo VI (sotto) per identificare le risorse disponibili relative all'assistenza linguistica.
Titolo VI CoordinatoreUfficio per i diritti civili e il Titolo IX Istruzione e conformitàocr@msu.edu(517) 353-3922Nota: la conoscenza della lingua inglese può essere richiesta come qualifica in buona fede per l'accettazione in un programma universitario o in un impiego
Sprachlicher Zugriff (German)
Andere Personen mit eingeschränkten Englischkenntnissen (LEP), die Hilfe benötigen, um Zugang zu den Bildungsprogrammen, Aktivitäten und Dienstleistungen der Universität zu erhalten, werden gebeten, sich an den Titel-VI-Koordinator (siehe unten) zu wenden, um verfügbare Ressourcen im Zusammenhang mit der Sprachunterstützung zu ermitteln.
Titel VI KoordinatorAmt für Bürgerrechte und Titel IX Bildung und Complianceocr@msu.edu(517) 353-3922Hinweis: Englischkenntnisse können als Bona-fide-Qualifikation für die Aufnahme in ein Universitätsprogramm oder eine Beschäftigung erforderlich sein
زبان تک رسائی (Urdu)
یونیورسٹی کے تعلیمی پروگراموں، سرگرمیوں اور خدمات تک رسائی حاصل کرنے کے لئے محدود انگریزی مہارت (ایل ای پی) والے دیگر افراد کو مدد کی ضرورت ہے، زبان کی مدد سے متعلق دستیاب وسائل کی نشاندہی کرنے کے لئے ٹائٹل VI کوآرڈینیٹر (نیچے) سے رابطہ کرنے کے لئے مدعو کیا جاتا ہے.
عنوان VI کوآرڈینیٹردفتر برائے شہری حقوق اور عنوان نویں تعلیم اور تعمیلocr@msu.edu(517) 353-3922نوٹ: انگریزی زبان کی مہارت یونیورسٹی کے پروگرام یا ملازمت میں قبولیت کے لئے ایک حقیقی قابلیت کے طور پر ضروری ہوسکتی ہے
भाषा तक पहुँच (Hindi)
विश्वविद्यालय के शैक्षिक कार्यक्रमों, गतिविधियों और सेवाओं तक पहुंचने के लिए सहायता की आवश्यकता में सीमित अंग्रेजी प्रवीणता (एलईपी) वाले अन्य व्यक्तियों को भाषा सहायता से संबंधित उपलब्ध संसाधनों की पहचान करने के लिए शीर्षक VI समन्वयक (नीचे) से संपर्क करने के लिए आमंत्रित किया जाता है।
शीर्षक: VI समन्वयकनागरिक अधिकार और शीर्षक IX शिक्षा और अनुपालन के लिए कार्यालयocr@msu.edu(517) 353-3922नोट: विश्वविद्यालय के कार्यक्रम या रोजगार में स्वीकृति के लिए एक वास्तविक योग्यता के रूप में अंग्रेजी भाषा की प्रवीणता की आवश्यकता हो सकती है।