Confidential Resources
The resources listed on this page can provide a confidential space where you can explore your options, talk about what happened, and obtain support services.
Individuals often find it difficult to speak about what happened. Talking with someone once, or receiving ongoing support, can aid in recovery and assist with safety planning. Accessing services can direct you to other needed resources.
The following private and confidential resources are available at no cost. These services are not required to report incidents to Investigation, Support and Resolution (ISR) or campus police.
Campus resources
MSU Center for Survivors
14 Student Services Building
556 East Circle Drive
East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 355-3551 (office)
(517) 372-6666 (24-hour crisis line)
MSU Counseling Center
Student Services Building
556 East Circle Drive, Room 207
East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 355-8270
MSU Safe Place
Administrative Office:
219 Wilson Road, G-60 Wilson Hall
East Lansing, MI 48825
(517) 355-1100
MSU Psychological Clinic
316 Psychology Rd, #151
East Lansing, MI 48825
(517) 355-9564
Couple and Family Therapy Clinic
138 Service Rd
East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 432-2272
Olin Psychiatry
463 E. Circle Dr.
East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 353-8737
University Ombudsperson
North Kedzie Hall
354 Farm Lane, Room 129
East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 353-8830
Employee Assistance Program
Olin Health Center
463 East Circle Drive, Room 330
East Lansing, MI 48824-1037
(517) 355-4506
Community Resources
End Violent Encounters (EVE)
Domestic violence shelter and support program
Lansing, MI (517) 372-5572
You Should Know
If you are unsure if you want to file a criminal or university report, you are encouraged to consider seeking support from a confidential source on campus or within the community. If you choose to make a report to law enforcement and/or the university, these confidential services can provide support to you throughout the university and/or criminal complaint and investigation processes.
If you choose not to report to law enforcement or the university, confidential resources will still assist with support services and, if requested, can include coordinating with Investigation, Support and Resolution (ISR) to provide any necessary interim measures.
If you choose to report an incident of relationship violence or sexual misconduct only in a privileged/confidential or private setting, the university will not be able to investigate the incident or pursue disciplinary action against the alleged perpetrator. MSU can only respond to reports made to Investigation, Support and Resolution (ISR) directly by the victim, law enforcement, or someone who is not a confidential source.